
Top 10 reasons to get out and meet more people

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We know you’re busy but did you know that getting away from your desk can solve your problems and re-energize you? Here are 10 good reasons to leave your desk and network with colleagues at the CPRS Toronto season opener on Thursday, September 27:

  1. Discover technical solutions to reduce your volume of work.
  2. Find a mentor to guide you into leadership roles.
  3. Renew professional contacts so they’ll be there for you the next time you need a boost.
  4. Connect with innovators in your practice area.
  5. Find new talent for your team.
  6. Share practice problems with colleagues who understand what you do.
  7. Pick up a lead to a new client, consultant or supplier.
  8. Talk to people who do things differently and get you thinking in new ways.
  9. Speak with an association leader to find out how you can get involved.
  10. The quality of the people is high and the cost is NIL.

See also three networking traps to avoid and join us at the CPRS Toronto season opener. Registration is required.